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St Peters Lutheran College Langer Library website: Langer Library homepage

Term time opening hours.





 Langer Library

    Monday to Thursday 7:45am - 8:30pm
    Friday 7:45am - 4pm 

Theile Study Centre (More information)

   Monday to Thursday 7.45am to 5.00pm 
   Friday 7.45am to 3.15pm 

eBooks and Audiobooks

Download an eBook or Audiobook from Sora or Wheelers

Colour and B&W Printing.


Two Konica Minolta copiers (suitable for printing, photocopying and scanning) are located on the ground floor of the Library. There are also additional B&W printers. To use,TAP your student ID card on the copier card reader. To print, you must RELEASE the job. Please ask staff or students to assist you when you first use the machines.


How much will printing cost?

How do I print large files?


Students please NOTE: ID card required to access B&W printers. Recommended for Konica Minolta copiers for ease of access.

Online Reference Sources.



Langer Library Catalogue.

Bibliography and Referencing.

Plagiarism is using the ideas or comments of other writers and presenting them as your own.  When writing assignments you are required to identify and acknowledge (reference) the work of others: direct quotations, ideas, paraphrased comments; in short, any information that is not your own. 

The SLASA Online Referencing Generator for APA is a software tool that can help you construct references.  You will need a password to access (see Library staff). 

DIGITAL NEWSPAPERS. Note also that the ANZRC or Academic OneFile News databases provide full text archive access to leading Australia/New Zealand magazines and newspaper.

Full editions, and 6 month archive, available only on campus and through FireflyAccess newspapers by clicking the links below. You can either:

read articles (scroll through the webpage and click on the individual article) or

read the whole paper (find and click on  (The Australian),  (Metro newspapers), or  (regional newspapers)).


Once you have chosen "read the paper," use the search facility to access archived stories from 2021 onwards 
























SPLC online databases.

Click on these links for


AGIS and APAFT have a new search platform: Informit Explore!


Libguides (

animated images and gifs are sourced from and (free to use no attribution required);

animated text generator and (CC); and

images not created at SPLC, are sourced from Pixabay (released as CC0 Public Domain free to use, download, copy, modify or adapt Images; for commercial or non-commercial purposes; no attribution required); PublicDomainPictures  or Google images (released as Public Domain or labeled for reuse various CC licenses).